If you want to know more about the specific benefits of a mobile optimized website, keep reading below.
Is your website set up optimally to convert customers in to paying customers?
For your website to be effective in generating sales, it MUST be able to do four things.
First, your website must capture your visitors attention...and fast.
Secondly, if it captures their attention, your website is going to have a whopping 5-8 seconds to get your visitor interested in what you offer.
Thirdly, your website is going to need to cultivate genuine desire in your visitor so that they purchase your product.
And, finally, your website will need to direct your visitor to easily take action - schedule the estimate, set the appointment or buy your product - right then and right there. The days of making a phone call to make a purchase are quickly going the way of the dodo.
What are your options?
Door Number 1.
Do nothing, see your revenues decrease and eventually close your doors.
Door Number 2.
Make absolutely certain that when people come to your website, you can quickly grab their attention and get them interested...in a hurry.
And accomplish these tasks while someone is looking at your website from a handheld device.
Nearly 90% of all web pages are now viewed on mobile devices. And, more than 90% of all online purchases for local goods and services are made from a smart phone. No kidding.
Do you think those percentages are going to continue to increase? You bet they are.
What do you think is going to happen if your potential customer is fumbling around with an outdated website? You can bet you will have their ATTENTION. And guess what? They will be INTERESTED and have the DESIRE to TAKE ACTION and go someplace else where they can EASILY spend their money.
If you think having a "responsive" website solves the problem, think again.
Responsive means the website adapts to a smaller screen. It does NOT mean that the website was designed to work OPTIMALLY on a mobile device.
It is your responsibility to make it as easy as possible
for your customers to buy from YOU and NOT your competition.
So how do you make certain your potential customer is not hitting the back button and going some place else to spend their money?
Hire a firm to create a website that is designed to work OPTIMALLY on mobile devices. After all, those devices are where the overwhelming majority of people purchase their local goods and services.
Deliberation time is over. It's time to stop bleeding dollars that could otherwise be going in to your pocket.
Kindly fill out the brief form below.
We will send you a preview of your new, money making website. You will see how your website can look like an app when someone visits it from a smartphone.
And, you will be glad we did.
Please fill out the brief form below. And, we'll respond shortly.
Thank you again for your time and for the opportunity to be of service.